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Give your Puppy the best start.

Grooming will be a regular part of your Puppy's routine throughout their life, so it's important to introduce  them to the sounds, smells and sensations of grooming as young as possible. We offer the below puppy intro steps to grooming, and advise they start as young as possible (as soon as they've had their vaccinations). 


All of our sessions involve only positive, reward based techniques, so if your puppy needs any specific treats or has any allergies be sure to bring some along for them to have!

Your Puppy's Grooming Journey

Salon Introduction Session

Puppy Bath & Blow Dry

Your puppy will essentially have a salon play time! We give them lots of treats, practice some tricks and give lots of fuss and cuddles. Once they're settled, we'll introduce them to the tables and bath, they'll practice standing on them, and get to feel and sniff the restraints. We'll also slowly introduce them to the sound of the dryers on low, the shower, and the sound of clippers. We'll also practice handling different body parts!

Next up is the bath & blow dry, we'll bath your puppy in professional shampoo tailored to your Puppy's coat type. We'll then hold them whilst they are dried and brushed through with the finishing dryer to get them used to their fur being blown, and finish with a full comb through. 

Full Puppy Groom

Once your puppy is confident enough entering the salon and with us, we'll move into a full Puppy Groom which includes: Bath & Blow Dry, full brush and comb through, nail clip, paw & pad trim, bum/sanitary area trim, eye & fringe trim, spritz of perfume and a first Puppy Groom certificate! We'll also introduce them to the feel of clippers against their body and legs ready for their full groom (usually at around 5-6 months old).

FREE Puppy Consultations

Book your FREE Puppy consultation now! We'll go through how often your Puppy should be groomed, the best tools to use at home, proper brushing and bathing techniques, advice on the best products to use (shampoo, conditioner, conditioning sprays etc), and handling at home. It's also your chance to ask a professional groomer any questions you may have.

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To book your free Puppy Consultation submit 
your details below and we'll get back to you!

Thanks for reaching out!

Opening Hours

Tues - Fri


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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