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What is emmi®-pet?

The emmi®-pet Ultrasonic toothbrush head uses patented ultrasonic technology to provide a tool that is noiseless, vibrationless and non invasive. We simply sit the toothbrush on your dogs tooth and it does all the work itself! 


The toothbrush works with the emmi®-pet toothpaste, to implode microbubbles which removes bacteria and reduces plaque and tartar build-up on the teeth. This improves your dogs breath, gums, teeth and overall health.


Happy teeth, happy gums & happy dog!

The Initial Consultation

The initial consultation involves us assessing your dog's teeth, gums and general oral health to make sure that emmiPet teeth cleaning is suitable for your pet. 


If we agree that is is suitable, we will use this session to de-sensitise your dog to having us touch their mouth, having a toothbrush in and near their mouth, and do a mini cleaning session so they can begin to get used to the process. Most importantly, it will all be taken at your dogs own pace.


Your dog will be given it's own toothbrush head. This head will only be used on your dog and will be cleaned and sterilised after each session.


Examples of the Stages of Periodontal Disease

*During your initial consultation, if we deem that your dog's teeth and gums are stage 3 or 4 we will refer you to a veterinarian. We will only be able to go ahead with any cleaning once your vet has provided us with a report to say we are able, and it is recommended that we do so. You will not be required to pay for the remainder of the consultation session if we refer you to the vets.*

Regular Maintenance Sessions

Once your consultation is complete, we will recommend regular cleaning on a schedule that will best suit your dog. If your dog has a lot of tartar build-up, 1 or 2 sessions per week at first will be most effective at removing it. Remember, every time your dog eats and sleeps, bacteria and plaque will build-up in their mouth, so regular teeth cleaning is important to help keep on top of their oral hygiene (just like us humans). Once the teeth and gums are at a level both you and your groomer are happy with, we can book you in for ongoing maintenance top up sessions, usually every 3-4 weeks. 

We offer 2 different teeth cleaning packages so you and your dog can make the most out of their teeth cleaning journey. After your initial consultation you can choose one of the following maintenance packages:



Suitable for stage 1 (soft build-up of plaque on teeth that has not yet turned to tartar)


  • Initial Consultation (Including your dog's own toothbrush head).


  • 4 x Follow on cleaning sessions booked 1 week apart

Suitable for stage 2 (hardened tartar on the teeth)


  • Initial Consultation (Including your dog's own toothbrush head).


  • 9 x follow on cleaning sessions booked twice weekly or 1 week apart



Contact us to book or for further information by using the form below!

We'll be in touch shortly!

Dog Waving Paw

Check out our emmi®-pet blog post here

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